Thursday, September 4, 2008

Let's get it started

Rehearsals for the 2008 - 2009 season started last night and it looks like it will be a great program. The only way John says we can sum up this program is with the word "pastische", which is a really fancy way of saying "hodgepodge".

We've got 12 rehearsals to put the show together (which is Sunday, November 23rd, 3:00 pm, at Wisconsin Lutheran College), and looks like we are going to need all 12. One piece in particular, John Adams's Lollapalooza is going to be the culprit that takes up most of our time. Adams is a minimalist who uses a lot of repetition, but then he tricks you and throws an extra rest in or changes a pattern ever so slightly! The result? A piece that's annoying to play during the first few run throughs, but after you get in a groove, probably sounds pretty cool. John said he'd heard it a couple of times and was just blown a way, so I guess it will get better.

As I was sightreading it, I felt as though my part was a mismash of technical etudes I should have spent more time on in college. I also made a mental note that I will need to spend much time with my part, my pencil and my metronome. Sadly, most of the music is new and still needs to be stamped with the Knightwind Logo, so we couldn't take our folders home to practice. :( Guess I'll have to wait a week for that quality counting time!

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